Content Designer Error

Can someone tell me why I get this when trying to add link to Object




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What are you selecting?


Maybe the selected columns object is out of scope for your package. You could check you Package dependencies.

Hello Nicola, 


This error may occur if the macro source is not specified for the template. Please specify the macro source in the [Email templates] lookup, for example -


Please let us know in case any further assistance is required. 


Best regards, 


Thanks both, i'm using the email funtion from creating a new process. 

I can see the macros for the templates, but can't see how to define with a Custome Email in the process


Hello Nicola, 


Sorry for a delay with a reply. 

You can configure your Custom message for Email element of the business process with a help of Content designer as described in the attached article or simply create a new template with the needed macros from Studio-Message templates - New- Email template and use it in your business process. 

Please refer to the below article for more detailed information:…


If you have any further questions or the issue still occurs, please let us know.

Best regards, 


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