I'm using ConfirmationDialog to show a confirmation modal when user clicks a button. That's the method I use:
confirmClick: function(eventName, modelMethod, model, tag) { this.showConfirmationDialog(this.get("Resources.Strings.ConfirmMessage"), function(returnCode) { if (returnCode === this.Terrasoft.MessageBoxButtons.YES.returnCode) { this.onProcessActionButtonClick(eventName, modelMethod, model, tag); } }, [this.Terrasoft.MessageBoxButtons.YES.returnCode, this.Terrasoft.MessageBoxButtons.NO.returnCode], null); }
The problem is that the YES and NO buttons don't get translated to my language:
Do you know what should I do to translate them?
19:18 Oct 01, 2018
Dear Carlos,
The buttons' captions are stored in the system core resources. Therefore, button captions are set in accordance with the user profile language. In case you have deployed/supplied with application, that has your language by default, but captions are in English, please give us an email to support@bpmonline.com and we will investigate the issue further.
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