Column Setup of my List Dashboard is not updating in the installed Environment.

Hi all,

I have made some changes to Column setup of a List type dashboard in Case section. Later I have installed in DEV and UAT Environments. I am unable to see those changes there.

Is there any table to bind?

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When dashboards are added to an edit page, the corresponding records are created in SysWidgetDashboard and SysWidgetDashboardLcz tables.

If a dashboard is added not to an edit page but to the "Dashboards" tab, then records will be added in the SysDashboard and SysDashboardLcz tables, respectively.


Also, there is also a corresponding binding of these data to the package which was set as a current package when the dashboards were created.

The thing is that dashboards are localizable system objects. When a dashboard is created, records are created in two tables:

- a record about a dashboard created in the localization, which corresponds to the base culture of the system, is created in the [SysWidgetDashboard]/[SysDashboard] table;

-records about dashboards of all other localizations are created in the [SysWidgetDashboardLcz]/[SysDashboardLcz] table and are linked to a record in the [SysWidgetDashboard]/[SysDashboard] table by the [RecordId] column.

So basically, all you need to do is to prepare a package which will contain all the needed data bindings and SQL scenarios which will perform the records' entry to the tables mentioned above.

More information on data binding is on our academy.

Also, knowledge of SQL might be needed in order to find the needed dashboard in the database, although you can always create a lookup and search via UI. 


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