Client code debugging

I have created a replacing client schema for LeadSectionV2 But, I am unable to find the LeadSectionV2.JS file in sources of browser console  while debugging on Leads Section Page. Please help me with this.


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Step 1: Turn debug mode ON. Normally, Creatio will minify and combine scripts for quicker loading. Turning debug mode to ON will cause the application to serve up the individual scripts. To turn debug mode ON, run the following in the console:

Terrasoft.SysSettings.postPersonalSysSettingsValue("IsDebug", true)

Alternatively, you could locate the "Debug mode" system setting (Code IsDebug) and turn it on there.

Step 2: Rather than browse through the sources to locate it, use CTRL+P (or ⌘+P on a Mac) while on the Sources tab in dev tools, then type in LeadSectionV2 (the actual file will also have a guid appended as a hash parameter to the end)

Step 3: Now you can set breakpoints or debug as needed. Keep in mind, if you change the file and save it in the code editor, the hash parameter will change and you'll need to locate the file again using CTRL+P or ⌘+P


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