Capture signature in Mobile Application

Hi Community,


We have requirements to capture signature in mobile application. A drawing pad will show to where user can draw/write their signature and it will be saved as image attachment of a record. Any idea how we can achieve this?

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There is a couple of recommendations:

1) third party Js libraries can be added as modules in configuration. If we are talking about mobile app, they can be included in CustomSchemas in manifest.

2) In mobile app, there is a way to create your own control. It is called Panel item. It can be then added to the page. Here is the sample adding chart to the page:


Ext.define("Terrasoft.controls.TestRecordPanelItem", {

                extend: "Terrasoft.RecordPanelItem",

                xtype: "cftestrecordpanelitem",


                config: {


                                items: [


                                                                xtype: "container",

                                                                id: "TestRecordPanelItemContainer",

                                                                style: "width: 100%;height: 100%;"







                * @private


                chart: null,



                * @private


                getChartConfig: function() {

                                return {

                                                type: Terrasoft.ChartType.Pie,

                                                colors: ["red", "orange", "blue"],

                                                series: [{

                                                                type: Terrasoft.ChartType.Pie,

                                                                name: "serie one",

                                                                color: "#000000",

                                                                data: [{

                                                                                name: "first",

                                                                                y: 25

                                                                }, {

                                                                                name: "second",

                                                                                y: 100

                                                                }, {

                                                                                name: "third",

                                                                                y: 30



                                                scrollable: false





                * @private


                createChart: function() {


                                var chartConfig = this.getChartConfig();

                                this.chart = Ext.create("Terrasoft.Chart", chartConfig);



                initialize: function() {


                                var container = Ext.getCmp("TestRecordPanelItemContainer");





And it’s usage:

Terrasoft.sdk.RecordPage.addPanelItem("Contact", {

                xtype: "cftestrecordpanelitem",

                align: "right",

                position: 1


Is this possible in the Creatio normal CRM as well? for a custom created section?


Lakindu Yasomith,




We have a couple of marketplace addons that help in working with electronic signature:


Please check them, maybe they will fit your business task.

Hi Fulgen Ninofranco,

Did you find the solution? I have the same use case. Please assist me how did you implemented in detail.



Alina Kazmirchuk,

Does the solution work for Freedom UI too?


hey, did you get answer?

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