Can we prevent moving the task from one date to another in calendar page

Hi Team,


Is there a way to prevent moving the task from one date to another by dragging and dropping in calendar page?

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Hello Sri,


This request can not be completed by standard user tools of the interface.

To make it work, you need to override the entire page logic by means of development.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Bogdan Spasibov,

Hi Bogdan. We understand that this cannot be done using configuration or out of the box tools. Can you give us a few pointers on what we need to override? This is an important feature for us to implement.



The logic of the drag and drop initialization is stored in the schedule-item.js schema via "root_app_folder\Terrasoft.WebApp\Resources\ui\Terrasoft\controls\" (Terrasoft.controls.ScheduleItem class) directory and the method is initDd:

To disable drag and drop you need to override this method in the Terrasoft.controls.ScheduleItem class, restart the application and relogin to it. Once done you won't be able to select activities and drag them.


Best regards,


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