
Call caption override

Hello, I am wondering how to override the base caption that shows up on the call section.

The caption contains a date that is in European format dd/mm/yyyy, but we would prefer this date to be in mm/dd/yyyy





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Is that date format not set by the date setting in the user profile? I would assume it is, but looks like the other date value in your screenshot is mm/dd/yyyy.

If you want to brute force set it, you can do the following from the page code:

this.sandbox.publish("UpdatePageHeaderCaption", { pageHeaderCaption: "My caption here" });

Actually, since there's a lot of places in BasePageV2 that sets this caption, it would be better to just override getPageHeaderCaption:

getPageHeaderCaption: function() {
    return "My caption here";

Still, that doesn't seem right that it's displaying that way in the first place.




This caption cannot be changed with the help of basic application tools. But it can be done with the help of simple process. I've created and exported it, so feel free to download it from here and import into your application.

It is launched upon a call record creation, waits 3 seconds, reads Call and Call direction. At the end, it modifies the created record title based on CreatedOn date and DirectionId. As the result, the call title has this format Incoming 9/18/2020 12:01:46 AM




Ryan Farley,

Dean Parrett,


Thank you!

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