Business rules in mobile app is not working!

Hi Community,


I have created a custom package and added all the necessary modules required for applying business rules in it.



I have then created a custom module with the business rule and added this module inside the ModelExtension attribute of required model[UsrPurchaseOrders] in MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace.


Business rule : 


Please help me with this issue.


Many Thanks.




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Hello Akshit,


I've used the same code on my side:

Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("Case", {
    ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Activation,
    events: [Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Load, Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.ValueChanged],
    triggeredByColumns: ["UsrContact"],
    conditionalColumns: [
        {name: "UsrContact", value: "c4ed336c-3e9b-40fe-8b82-5632476472b4"} //Andrew Baker
    dependentColumnNames: ["UsrStringColumn"]

and the logic is that if the contact specified in the UsrContact column is not Andrew Baker (sample) then the UsrStringColumn column should be deactivated. And the only difference between our scenarios is that the application pool for the app should be restarted once you apply all the changes in your custom module and include this module into the manifest. So please restart the application pool in IIS if this is on-site app or contact us at if this is a cloud app. On my side the rule works as expected (using 7.16.4 version):

Best regards,


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