In a business process, is it possible to add object to a business process "collection of records" parameter?


I would like to build a business process parameter of type "Collection of records".

- The user is asked to choose an object in a lookup ( attachment file)

- This file is added to the collection (that is where I struggle)

- The user is asked if he want to add more object to the list.

- ... 

- The user validate and the list is used in a subprocess to process the choosen files


Many thanks if you can give me a hint on how to do that.   

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Dear Antoine, 

It's impossible to implement using basic application logic.

During single business process execution, it is possible only to upload files to a single object at once.

Hello, thank you for your answer.

I am not trying to upload multiple files.

I just want to ba able to add object references to an object collection parameter.

Let's say it like this:

- When you read Data from Creatio, if using filter others than ID, you get a collection of object. Which is stored into a "collection" variable.

-Now I have a collection, let say I read another object of the same type with anoter filter, I want to add that object to the above existing collection. How can I do that?



Thank you 


The code should look something like this:

// create collection/list or get from param
var list = new CompositeObjectList<CompositeObject>();
// create item and add to collection/list
var item = new CompositeObject();
item["SomeProperty"] = "Some value";
item["SomeOtherProperty"] = "Some value, etc";
// now set list in param
Set<CompositeObjectList<CompositeObject>>("MyCollectionParamName", list);



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