
Binding Redirect for an assembly of a different version


Is it possible to specify a binding redirect in web.config for a specific version of an external assembly, if another version of the same assembly is already being used internally by BPM'Online?

I am building an external assembly which has a dependency on a different version of an already existing assembly that is being used by BPM'Online. It would be great to know if there is a way to redirect logic to the right assembly at runtime. Will the "LoadOnAppStart" column of the [SysPackageReferenceAssembly] table help in anyway?

Any help in this regard will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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Dear Amanthena,

In case you are talking about assembly, which is a part of out-of-the box system, we do not recommend to apply any changes to this assembly. Particularly, because much of core logic dependent on it and its specific version. This can lead to full system inoperability. 

In case you are referring to the external assembly, which was installed to the system, please consider firstly removing it from External Assembly tab before installing a newer version.



Thank you Anastasia!

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