Bind processes to section

Hello all,

I am trying to bind the processes that I'm running from section to the package, so when we transfer the package into prod the processes will remain attached to the sections. How can I achieve this? It is unclear.

Thank you!

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Hi Maria,

this information is stored in ProcessInModules object.

So, if you want to attach this on the prod, you need just to bind data with this records.

If you want to delete it from the prod, you need to run such script with your processes schemas Id's in it:

delete from "ProcessInModules"

Where "SysSchemaUId" IN  ('1b0e7dfb-5f68-4d7c-8641-88276ef47148','3d523f87-b74f-414f-9f3c-509f326f8313','006df98f-dde0-4997-b904-9fc0586c10d2')

Kind regards,


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