Auto Number field not Working in mobile application.


We are working on adding a custom section in the mobile application. Everything is working fine but the AutoNumber field is not getting populated. I have seen in "Cases" that the auto numbering is working fine. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Currently, auto-numbering of fields in an object is a new functionality that the mobile app does not yet support. Support for this functionality will be available at the beginning of the new year.  

If you need auto-numbering on an object and want it to work everywhere, both on the web and in the mobile app, you need to implement the auto-numbering logic not through default values, but by implementing it in code on the object.

Do we have any updates on this? We are still encountering the same issue.
If you have any code pertaining to this problem, could you please share it with us?


Note: Creatio Version : 8.1.2 using it 



Bala koteswarareddy.



This functionality was released in the 8.1.0 version. As we see, you mentioned that you use 8.1.2, so should have it. 

In case you don`t have it, please contact the Support Team via and provide the instance with which you have an issue.


Have a nice day!

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