Adding a Related Object's Field to the Main Page (FormPage)

Hi Team,


I'm working on 'UsrConcerts' section. There is a Parent object 'UsrConcerts' & having some related objects as well such as 'UsrPerformanceDetail', 'UsrConcertWidgetDetail'.


(Concert Main-Page)


(UsrPerformanceDetail Object): already mapped with UsrConcerts Object using 'UsrParentConcert' field



1. I want to show a field: UsrPerformanceName (Text) from 'UsrPerformanceDetail' to Concert Main-Page.

(Img-1: Below to Owner field, ignore Performance Detail Expanded list)


2. When a record is saved then all data must be stored in respective object (Table), value of UsrPerformanceName must be stored in UsrPerformanceDetail table in DB.



Platform: Creatio:Energy (Freedom UI)

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To do add columns from the parent object (or any upward related object for the page object), scroll to the very bottom of the left side of the designer to the section titled "Inputs". You'll see the following: 

These allow you to place controls on the screen that are not bound to a column of the object for the page. Drag on the types of controls you need for the columns from the parent object. Once they are on the page, in the properties pane on the right side, scroll to the bottom to find "Data source":

This will allow you to select a field from related objects. Note, these fields will automatically become read-only and will always be non-editable (since they are not part of the page object type)


Yes, Following these steps, unable to see related Object 'UsrPerformanceDetail'




In related Object, It is showing only Lookup Fields available in Main Object 'UsrConcerts'.

souresh khandelwal writes:

Yes, Following these steps, unable to see related Object 'UsrPerformanceDetail'

That is because it is a 1:many relationship. You cannot select a field from a child 1:many (how would it know which record in the 1:many to use?). You can only use this for 1:1 (upward) relationships.


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