Add folders to custom section
I have created a section from a pre-existing object "OrderProduct". I would like to add folders to this section.
I looked at this article.
There was a comment talking about how to add folders to custom sections, and I followed the steps the comment provided, but it did not work. Some possible causes I can think of is:
For one, the process of creating sections out of pre-exisiting objects have changed.
Secondly, this object is "OrderProduct", so when I create the "EntityName + 'folder' that inherits from BaseFolder as well as Entity + 'InFolder'", I have to do "UsrOrderProductFolder", so it does not match entity name exactly, where it might require "OrderProductFolder"
Any help appreciated.
Thank you!
Dear Tyler,
In order to add folders in the new section, you need to create 2 new objects with names in the database, which are formed in a certain way:
1) * name of the section object * Folder (for example, OrderProductFolder), parent - "Base folder (Base)" (BaseFolder);
2) * name of the section object * InFolder (for example, OrderProductInFolder), parent - "Base element in the folder (Base)" (BaseItemInFolder).
Specify the object parameters similar to those set for group objects for basic sections, for example, ContactFolder and ContactInFolder. Also in the * ... * InFolder object, it is necessary to specify the lookup connected to the "Folder" column in the * ... * Folder object from step 1, and also create a lookup column that will refer to the section object.
If you register a section based on an object whose name does not have a prefix (for example, Usr), then the objects in items 1 and 2 should not have a prefix either.
Best regards,
Hi Tyler,
I've done this before by just adding the objects as Angela describes. For example, if your custom section's object is named UsrTest, you'd add the following objects:
- UsrTestFolder - parent BaseFolder
- UsrTestInFolder - parent BaseItemInFolder - change inherited "Folder" property to Lookup UsrTestFolder. Also add a column to lookup UsrTest
Once I added those, after logging out and back in I had folders in my section.
This is an old post, but I think Tyler didn't get exactly the answer he was looking for and I have the exact same issue.
All of the instuctions provided here assume that the object for which the section was added was a custom object. For Usr[object], you simply add Usr[object]Folder and Usr[object]InFolder (with a couple configs on the new objects). Easy!!
However, as Tyler is asking, we both added a new section for an existing (Creatio) object. There is no prefix on the object. So, when you try to add the new folders as [object]Folder and [object]InFolder, the designer won't let you save the object. It fails with validation "object must start with the 'Usr' prefix".
So, is there any way to add folders to a section object that doesn't have a prefix on it?
Jeremy Couzens,
Hi Jeremy! You can temporarily remove/clear the prefix from system settings. Doing so will allow you to create the object without a prefix.
Ryan Farley,
Hi Ryan, I was hoping if you could help me here with a use case.
If a user wants to see a dynamic folder, he needs to click "Filters/Folders" >"View Folders"> and choose the dynamic folder.
Is it possible to add a custom button that will apply the dynamic folder filter when it is clicked? Basically, we want to apply the dynamic folder filter in 1 click instead of 3