ActivityConnection field on Activity Entity

Hi community.

I need to connect an activity to an activity.

Out-of the box this feature is not available.

Checking on the Activity entity I saw the field ActivityConnection which is a lookup field on Activity.

This field is not inserted on Activity page.

Is it deprecated ?

Can I use it to link one activity to another activity ?

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Hello Stefano,


Unfortunately, we don't have such implemented results. 

You can create a new lookup column and bind it according to this post, and customize it according to your business task:…


Best regards,



Hi Bogdan 

thank you for your answer

So, if I understand the field "AcitvityConnection" is deprecated.

Is it correct ?

Stefano Bassoli,


It is not a column, it is a separate table:





Hi Bogdan

I'm referring to the Activity.ActivityConnection lookup field available on Activity entity.

Stefano Bassoli,

Hi Stefano,


have you found out if this field is supposed to be deprecated?


I just found out that it is still being used in the functionality for linking emails from the mailbox to other object, namely in the method loadEntityConnectionColumns in the EntityConnectionLinksUtilities mixin.

It made some problems when we tried to reuse this field, so I suggest not to tinker with it too much and simply create a new one.




Robert Pordes,

Hi Robert,

I created a new custom field, just in case. 

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