Script task keep compiling with syntax errors

I have created a script to turn integers into words and it keeps compiling with errors.


heres the script:


using System;
using System.Text;
using Terrasoft.Core;
using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;
using Terrasoft.Core.Process;

public class ConvertCurrencyToTextTask : ProcessUserTask
   // ✅ Constructor
   public ConvertCurrencyToTextTask(ProcessExecutingContext context) : base(context) { }

   // ✅ Main execution method (Runs when the Script Task is triggered)
   public override bool CompleteExecuting(UserConnection userConnection)
           // ✅ Retrieve the requested amount from the process parameter
           decimal requestedAmount = Get("DfcReqAmt");

           // ✅ Retrieve the dynamically fetched record ID
           Guid recordId = Get("Id");

           // ✅ Convert the numeric amount to words
           string convertedText = ConvertToWords(requestedAmount);

           // ✅ Store the result in the output parameter
           Set("DfcRequestedAmountText", convertedText);

           // ✅ Update the record in the FinApplication object
           UpdateRecord(userConnection, recordId, convertedText);
       catch (Exception ex)
           throw new Exception("Error in ConvertCurrencyToTextTask: " + ex.Message);


   // ✅ Converts numbers to words (DYNAMIC)
   private string ConvertToWords(long number)
       if (number == 0)
           return "Zero";

       if (number < 0)
           return "Negative " + ConvertToWords(Math.Abs(number));

       string words = "";
       int thousandIndex = 0;

       while (number > 0)
           if (number % 1000 != 0)
               words = ConvertHundreds(number % 1000) + Thousands[thousandIndex] + " " + words;
           number /= 1000;

       return words.Trim();

   // ✅ Converts hundreds, tens, and ones
   private string ConvertHundreds(long number)
       string words = "";

       if (number >= 100)
           words += Ones[number / 100] + " Hundred ";
           number %= 100;

       if (number >= 10 && number <= 19)
           words += Teens[number - 10] + " ";  // ✅ Corrected indexing for Teens
           words += Tens[number / 10] + " ";
           words += Ones[number % 10] + " ";

       return words.Trim();

   // ✅ Updates the record with the converted text
   private void UpdateRecord(UserConnection userConnection, Guid recordId, string convertedText)
       if (recordId == Guid.Empty) // ✅ Ensures ID is valid before updating
           throw new Exception("Record ID is empty, cannot update record.");

       var entitySchema = userConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("FinApplication");
       var entity = entitySchema.CreateEntity(userConnection);

       if (entity.FetchFromDB(recordId))
           entity.SetColumnValue("DfcRequestedAmountText", convertedText);

   // ✅ Number arrays (DYNAMIC)
   private readonly string[] Ones = { "", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine" };
   private readonly string[] Teens = { "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen" };
   private readonly string[] Tens = { "", "", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety" };
   private readonly string[] Thousands = { "", "Thousand", "Million", "Billion", "Trillion" };
} // ✅ Class correctly closed



return true; // ✅ Ensures method completes properly




these are the errors I am getting:


DfcProcess_25a93f1.DfcLoans.cs    Identifier expected    CS1001    34
DfcProcess_25a93f1.DfcLoans.cs    Identifier expected    CS1001    33
DfcProcess_25a93f1.DfcLoans.cs    Identifier expected    CS1001    35
DfcProcess_25a93f1.DfcLoans.cs    Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected    CS1022    151
DfcProcess_25a93f1.DfcLoans.cs    } expected    CS1513    36
DfcProcess_25a93f1.DfcLoans.cs    Identifier expected    CS1001    32
DfcProcess_25a93f1.DfcLoans.cs    Identifier expected    CS1001    36


Not sure what is missing as far as syntax goes, all bracket appear to be in place.


Appreciate the help in advance.





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The error is related to the business proceess DfcProcess_25a93f1. Can you share a source code for the business process, not the user task you shared? You can get the source code of the business process here:

There was no source code?


In this case, do you perform development on a local environment?

If so, could you search for the schema in the {rootAppFolder}\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Pkg\DfcLoans\Autogenerated\Src\DfcProcess_25a93f1.DfcLoans.cs directory?

You can also find the location of the file that causes compilation errors if you look at the application logs (Build.log) for the day of compilation and errors.

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