Control Over Business Process through Code (client / Server side)


I have a query about controlling over Business Process through code. can we start any business process through code & store its end output anywhere to use it further in code ?

Platform: Creatio:Energy 8.2v (Freedom UI)

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Yes, you can run the business process by calling the ProcessEngineService.svc endpoint and then processing the response.

Service that runs business processes | Creatio Academy


Yes, you can run the business process by calling the ProcessEngineService.svc endpoint and then processing the response.

Service that runs business processes | Creatio Academy

If what you're after is to start the process on a Freedom UI page and the consume the output params from the process, I have an article on that here:


Ryan Farley,

Hi Sir,

Thanks for your response. 


I followed the instructions given by you & it's working fine. Also, I always go through your articles for my queries. (Thanks a lot for your contribution)

In my use case, I want to return collection of records from `Performance-Detail` table based on current concert id. For this, I have set 2 parameters: concertIdParam (input) &  performanceDetailCollectionParam (output)).


(ignore `ConcertPerformanceTotalDuration`)


While setting up output in formula, 'performanceDetailCollectionParam' is not visible there
formula tool to return collection of record

Is it possible to return collection of record or JSON value as output of business-process?

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