Control Over Business Process through Code (client / Server side)
I have a query about controlling over Business Process through code. can we start any business process through code & store its end output anywhere to use it further in code ?
Platform: Creatio:Energy 8.2v (Freedom UI)
Yes, you can run the business process by calling the ProcessEngineService.svc endpoint and then processing the response.
Service that runs business processes | Creatio Academy
Yes, you can run the business process by calling the ProcessEngineService.svc endpoint and then processing the response.
Service that runs business processes | Creatio Academy
If what you're after is to start the process on a Freedom UI page and the consume the output params from the process, I have an article on that here:
Ryan Farley,
Hi Sir,
Thanks for your response.
I followed the instructions given by you & it's working fine. Also, I always go through your articles for my queries. (Thanks a lot for your contribution)
In my use case, I want to return collection of records from `Performance-Detail` table based on current concert id. For this, I have set 2 parameters: concertIdParam (input) & performanceDetailCollectionParam (output)).
(ignore `ConcertPerformanceTotalDuration`)
While setting up output in formula, 'performanceDetailCollectionParam' is not visible there
Is it possible to return collection of record or JSON value as output of business-process?