
Converting existing classic ui sections to freedom ui on same package

Hi Community,


We are about to convert our existing classic ui sections to freedom ui. What is the best approach we could follow? Is it possible we can create the freedom ui of these sections on the same package as to where the classic ui is? so that we need to maintain only one package for all our customizations.



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Hello Fulgen Ninofranco,

Yes, we can create the freedom UI section in the same package. But all the Js validations that has been implemented in the classic UI page will not work in this freedom UI pages. We need to rework on the validations in Freedom Ui. 

Thanks Pavan,

Could you please share me the steps how to create the freedom ui of existing calssic ui sections on the same package as I couldn't find this topic on Creatio documentation.

We create Freedom UI page, Creatio generates schemas in gibberish package, but then we move schemas to our package and delete generated one

Hi Vladimir,

Ok, so there is no official way?

Thank you for sharing to us your workaround. 

Hello Fulgen,

I convert classic sections to Freedom often with the Freedom UI versions going into the same package as the classic ones. To do this, you need to first convert the package to an application. I outline how to do that here:…

Once the application is created, you can create new pages/sections in the application and those items will go into the package as expected. 

If you're editing existing Freedom UI sections, such as Account, Contact, Opportunity, Lead, Case, etc. When you first open the page to edit, you'll see the system wants to create some gibberish package for it. However, you can force the edited page to you into your by changing the URL when you open a page for edits and appending the query string parameter &packageUId=[Your package UId]. This will force the editor to save the new version of the page in your package. If you want an easy way to get the package UId, simple click the [Add page] button in your application and copy this from the URL. Once you've saved the page into your package it will continue to save future edits to that package, so you only need to add this query string parameter the first time you edit an existing OOTB page. 

Lastly, if you'd like it to work more like how it used to with the Current Package setting where everything goes into that package, you can turn off the feature "Feature-UseSchemaDesignPackageUIdByHierarchy". This will change the behavior back to where it will only use the Current Package setting for saving pages. I discuss that route more here:…


Thank you Ryan,


Is there any conflict once will release the changes from development to production? Can we install the package only or should we need to install both the created application and the package?

Fulgen Ninofranco,

You could install the package only if you wanted. However, there is no conflict if you install the application (installing the application also installs the package). It won't attempt to duplicate the existing package, the application is just a layer on top of the package itself. Installing an application essentially just add's the package(s) in the app, plus a record in SysInstalledApp (for the application itself) and SysPackageInInstalledApp (linking the package to the application)


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