Timeline Tab on Mobile App

Good Day,

I would like to ask if it's possible to add a Timeline Tab on mobile application the same way that works on the web.

Thank you

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Good day,

Yes, it is possible. Follow the next instructions:

  1. Open the page module to which you want to add the tab. Usually, it is autogenerated by the mobile application wizard and named like “[Usr]Mobile[Object name]RecordPageSettings[Workplace name]Workplace”).

Ensure it is connected to "PagesExtensions" of the exact model in MobileApplicationManifest of the exact mobile workplace (e.g., "MobileFUIAccountRecordPageSettingsDefaultWorkplace" of “Account” model in MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace).


  1. If it is the default section – find the original page code with the same name (for FreedomUI, it is usually located in the CrtCustomer360Mobile package). Copy the operation that inserts the tabs:


For custom sections, you should add tabs on your own.


  1. Using this example, insert to the “viewConfigDiff” (inside “[]”)  the operation that adds a new tab:



*Replace “Account” with your object name, and specify the tab’s position.

Add a localizable string with the tab’s name, for example, “timelineTab_caption.”


  1. Insert the next operation, which adds to the tab body the items that describe parameters for loading data from exact objects (like Order or Invoice in this example):



*Ensure that no additional word spaces are added (as it is the string) and that the operations are separated using commas.


Best regards,


Natalia Kalynovska,


Great! This worked on me. I just modified its timeline body from the example code you've posted.

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