Freedom UI Label multiline

Hi Team, 


Can we do the Label component multiline in Freedom UI pages?

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Like have line breaks? I've not tried that yet, but I would try using "\r\n" and not html BR tags since I would assume it cleanses HTML from the label caption.


Ryan Farley,

yes, tried \r\n and is formatting the text in one line only. Tried as well BR and nothing.



Unfortunately, it is not possible to make the label component multiline in Freedom UI pages at the moment.

We have registered an idea and forwarded it to the corresponding R&D team for further review.


Best regards,


You will need to add some custom CSS to the page (create a new module and add it as a dependency on the freedomui page i.e.

define("x_FormPage", ["css!UsrMyCustomStyle"] ...


label {

    white-space: pre-line;


You can then just use the enter key when configuring the label text to do a newline.

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