Is there anyway to remove the prefix number of a telephone number inside Creatio CRM that comes from PABX system when we use TAPI or any Telephony integration?

I want to remove the prefix number (example 950040011 to 50040011) from the telephone number that comes from PABX system. I want to do it inside the CRM. When we use telephony connector (Ex TAPI) the incoming call arrives with a prefix number 9. I want remove it within the CRM.

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The phone number prefix settings are configured on the PBX side.


We receive data from the PBX and display phone numbers in our system according to the following logic:


When we make a call or receive an incoming call to the number 1234567890, we "reverse" this number and get 0987654321. We then start comparing this number with existing numbers in the system, starting from the end.

For example, we have the number 1114567890 in our system. We begin comparing it from the end and see that this number partially matches because 1114567890 and 1234567890 have the common ending "4567890"

However, with the number 1234567891, this won't work because we start the comparison from the end, and we'll immediately skip this number in the list of similar ones.

We have a system setting called SearchNumberLength, and this setting determines how many digits from the reversed number we will compare with the number set in the contact/account.

So, if we set this value to 7 when you call the number 1234567890, it will match the number 1114567890 because, from the end, the first 7 digits will be identical - 0987654.

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