Hello community,
I need to configure adding multiple existing records to a detail based on existing ojbect (Section already created).
Here with the academy guide that I used, but it doesn't work correctly: https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-15/adding-multiple-records-detail?_gl=1*1ln1cf5*_gcl_au*OTIwNzIyODc2LjE2ODMzMDIzOTk.
Please find below my configuration of getMultiSelectLookupConfig() method:
getMultiSelectLookupConfig: function() { return { //The parent object of the detail object rootEntitySchemaName: "LgsFixture", //The column on the detail object that relates to the parent object rootColumnName: "LgsFixture", // The detail Object relatedEntitySchemaName: "LgsDelivery", // The column (lookup) on the detail object where the result of the lookup is stored relatedColumnName: "LgsDelivery" }; }
Any help is appreciated.
Best Regards,
Hello Mouna,
Unfortunately we won't be able to help here much, you need to see the error message for the SelectQuery that is sent to the server when the records are added to the detail and using the error description process the error further (99% that the issue is somewhere in the columns mapping).