Cancelling a running business process within another business process


I have an Order Process and once it is sent for approval the record cannot be edited. I want to create another process which allows the user to modify the record but on doing so cancels the process that is currently running for that Order record.  Has anyone done something similar and what is best approach?



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To implement this approach, you could create a new process in Creatio that is triggered on the Order entity's OnSaved event. Within the process, you could use a "Find records" element to query for any active approval processes for the Order record using a filter that checks if the "Approval Status" field is set to "In Progress" or a similar value. If any active approval processes are found, you can use a "Cancel process" element to cancel them. You can then use a "Modify record" element to allow the user to update the Order record as desired.


Keep in mind that canceling an active approval process may have implications for your business process and the associated data, so you should carefully consider the consequences before implementing this approach.

Kalymbet Anastasia,


Thanks. The approval process is just one step of the overall Business Process. I want to be able to stop/cancel the Business Process. Is there an Object that contains all of the Business Processes as presumable I could filter and modify that?


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