Hi All,
I am trying to Create Lead using Landing Page but Lead is not getting created. Below is the Modified JS code for Landing Page.
* Replace the "css-selector" placeholders in the code below with the element selectors on your landing page.
* You can use #id or any other CSS selector that will define the input field explicitly.
* Example: "Email": "#MyEmailField".
* If you don't have a field from the list below placed on your landing, leave the placeholder or remove the line.
var config = {
fields: {
"Name": "#validationServer01",
"Email": "#validationServer02",
"MobilePhone": "#inputAddress2",
"Country": "#validationServer03"
contactFields: {
"FullName": "#validationServer01",
"Phone": "#inputAddress2",
"Email": "#validationServer02"
customFields: {},
landingId: "5825af62-62c2-409f-b30e-46feafd02289",
serviceUrl: "https://dev-qnovate.creatio.com/0/ServiceModel/GeneratedObjectWebFormSe…",
redirectUrl: "http://smit3297.pythonanywhere.com"
* The function below creates a object from the submitted data.
* Bind this function call to the "onSubmit" event of the form or any other elements events.
* Example:
function createObject() {
* The function below inits landing page using URL parameters.
function initLanding() {
A few things to check:
- Make sure the "website domains" for the landing page matches where the page is actually at. It will reject it if it is coming from some other domain referrer.
- Make sure any required fields on the lead are getting set with default values defined for the landing page.
- It's often helpful to check the network tab of dev tools to see what the response is when the form is submitted - it will usually reveal the cause.
Ryan Farley,
I have checked these things:
* Ony "Customer Need" was required and for that Default values are Set.
* Also i have attached the Screen Shot of Networks.
It seems that the request is being sent and no error is returned.
The recommendations given by Ryan are the most likely reasons why a lead is not created. We advise you to write a letter to our support team at support@creatio.com so we could better check the landing page integration and help you resolve the issue!
Best regards,
Ryan Farley,
When I looked in the Network it got this Error .
While my URL is Fine
smit suthar,
Could you please share the Headers and Payload tabs information in Dev Console window?
Hello smit suthar
In my case, to debug my landing page link with Creatio, the "WebToObject.log" file has always been very useful!
It is located in the logs directory "..\0\Log\" in the subdirectory of the day
Best regards