Email Contact in Timeline not the one in Email's Connected To


I am confused on how Creatio tags who own's the Email.

I have a process that updates the Reporter and Owner of an Email and expects it to be tagged to the new Reporter or Owner but that is not what's happening.

Email is sent automatically via BP. Any ideas?

*This is what the email's Owner and Reporter.

*This is what is shown in Lead Timeline


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Hi colleagues,

The owner of the email, sent by BP should by the contact who started the BP.

But it is not very clear from your second screenshot what are you trying to show.

Could you please elaborate on the issue?

Best regards, Alex.

Aleksei Efimenko,

Second screenshot shows Chris was tagged as the Owner of the Email in the lead Timeline.

The BP is triggered via Lead Stage change, Created by and Modified by CRM Team. So I was expecting it to be CRM Team.

Solem Khan Abdusalam,

Thank you for the information.

Could you also clarify who is the owner of the mailbox that is configured in BP to send emails?

Aleksei Efimenko,

CRM Team owns it and no one else uses it since every one has their personal mailbox.

Solem Khan Abdusalam,

Please keep in touch with the support team about the issue.

They will help you to find the cause of such behavior.

Best regards, Alex.

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