Monthly renewal emails not sent

The monthly renewal emails not sent from Creatio CRM.

The 'Email' step in the process library fails with the below error.


Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceRequestException: The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.


Code used in the business process :


var invoiceId = Get("CreatedInvoiceId");

var userConnection = Get("UserConnection");

//Terrasoft.Configuration.AimCreateMonthlyInvoiceJob.SendEmail(context.UserConnection, invId);

Terrasoft.Configuration.AimCreateMonthlyInvoiceJob.SendEmail(userConnection, invoiceId);

return true;

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This error means that the mailbox rejected your login and password, which are being sent during adding the email.

To find the reason for this issue you need to contact your mailbox server administrator with the exact date and time of the error.


Thank you.


Kind regards,


Thank you,

We fixed the login password issue, and trying to retrigger the 'send email' step.

When we click on 'Run item' there is nothing happening. 


Any idea on this ?





We can see that you have posted a similar question here:

Further communications and a possible solution will be posted there.


Thank you.


Kind regards,


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