Exchange rate and calculations - in multi currency environment


As i was strugle on this issue and finaly figure this out... i belive that this will be helpfull for others...

We have 3 currencies that involve on our process.

US Dollar, ILS - Israel Shekel, and ERU

we neede to translate the relevant currency from 1$ into 3.2 ILS (3.2 as the current rate)

when we try to approach the currency table - the Rate field was 0.0

when we try to approach the Currency Rate Table - the Rate field showed unreasonble number.

so... we checked and we didn't understand why and what. and eventualy, with a GREAT help of creatio represntative, we got this solution:


1. setup the base currency to our currency - in our case is ILS

2. setup the other currencies as follows.

    example - US Dollar:   setup the Ratio = 1000,  setup the rate value to = 3289.000 (in case the 1$=3.289 ILS)

What happened on the back end is that the Currency Rate table is getting the values from this update, and setup the field "Rate" into 304.000 (in that case)

when we want to setup a calculation that uses this rate - whats needed to be done is:

A = get the ratio number from the relevant currency, from the currency lookup table.

B = get the Exchange Rate from the Currency Rate table, for this specific currency.

and do this math:  A/B   >>> and the result will give you the correct rate !

in this example the rate will be:   1000/304  =  3.289   (1000=Ratio from currency table, 304=Exchange Rate from currency rate)

Then we take the value from that result, and use it in the process.

actualy - when i come to think about it - we need to do this process in the currency table, and save this value for all uses... 

If someone has bump into this issue and would like to share her/his opinion... i will be happy to see... maybe we did it all so complex for no reason ... but it works :-) 


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Thanks, I actually saw that article. i am not sure whether we need to integrate to this site of the the central bank in Israel... 

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