While Compile All Items getting Access to the path 'web.config' is denied error

Hi Community,


While Compile All Items getting Access to the path 'web. config' is denied error.


Can you please help us how to resolve this issue,

Thanks in Advance.




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Could you please re-attach the screenshot or provide us with the text of the error message, so we could assist you with this particular request?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,


Hi Anastasiia,

getting below error while doing Compile All Items


1. Error

Access to the path '_FileContentBootstraps.js' is denied.

2. Error

attempt to write a readonly database

attempt to write a readonly database




Mansoor Basha,




Thank you for clarifying!

In order to resolve the issue, please double-check if the user under which this compilation is initiated has the corresponding access rights to the folder with an instance. 

Also, errors "attempt to write a readonly database" indicate that the user specified in ConnectionString.conf for connecting to DB doesn't have access to the record.

Additionally, I would suggest to check the access rights for the "C:\Windows\temp\" folder (if there is no access, please grand it accordingly) and check if .NET Framework is installed on the web-server. 


Once done, the compilation issue should not occur again. 

Best regards, 





Hi Anastasiia Zhuravel,



Thank you for the reply,

Reg the access rights for users, could you pls provide us information on how and where we can check?


Error "Attempt to write a read-only database" - we have created the user and provided access to DB, just the same way we generally set up for all other instances but we are facing issues only in this.

Kindly help us to solve this.


Also, we have checked all the access-related things and the .Net framework. We have all things in place without any issues.




Mansoor Basha,

The IIS user should have access rights to the root folder of the Creatio application. Please ensure that folder has the privilege.

Hi Bhoobalan Palanivelu,


Thank you for your response,

Now I'm able to Compile All Items Successfully.





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