I'm working on a dev environment, creating my lookups objects, and lookups data, then exporting the package.
When i install the package at the production, everything work smoothly, however, the lookups could not be found at the UI level.
I have to open the lookup section and create them once again and refer to the lookup object in the package.
Is there a way to create the lookup at the user interface level as well while installing the package ?
Hello Maarouf,
You also need to bind data from the SysLookup table to create lookup records in the "Lookups" section when installing the package to the application.
Best regards,
Oscar Dylan,
Hi Oscar,
Thank you for your reply.
I was not able to find the newly created lookups in this SysLookup table
Oscar Dylan,
Hi again,
I binded data from the Lookup table, and now i'm able to see my newly created lookups in the "LOOKUP" section, however, if i click on one of these new lookups, it doesn't open the content, instead an error appears in the browser console saying 'all-combined.js:41 cann't find entity'
What do you think the problem is ?
Maarouf Balis,
This only means that the lookup object wasn't transferred between systems. Please also check if the lookup object was transferred to the target website.
Best regards,