Filters/Folders - Is there a way to filter the records using Starts with Condition

Hi Team,


In general Filters and Folders works with Contains condition. Is there a way to add Starts with Condition so that when the user searches for the records, it will search for the records that starts with "XXX"

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Is there a way to make it default instead of contains?

Sri Saranya writes:

Is there a way to make it default instead of contains?

I found no examples of such implementation but you can try to find one  in OOB functionality. For example the default filter in the section if 'contains':


You just need to check the way it is implemented and then modify it according to your business task.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.


Hi Bogdan,


We are not able to exactly figure out the schema in which the above thing has been implemented. Can you help us with that?


Thanks & Regards,


Hi Saranya,


Please find the system setting with "StringColumnSearchComparisonType" code and modify its value based on your needs.


String columns filter (StringColumnSearchComparisonType) – type of search operator used to filter records of the “lookup” field.

Type: integer. Default value: “1.” The setting can have one of two values:

“0” – searched record must begin with the specified string.

“1” – searched record must contain the specified string.

Best Regards, 

Bogdan L.

Bogdan Lesyk,

Awesome, this works. Thank you very much Bogdan

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