How to create a dashboard with dynamic filters

Hi All,


I have a requirement where I have to create a dashboard for 'No. of lead converted to successful lead from channels'. For this I can create a chart. Then they have given the below filters also for this dashboard.

Slicer: timeline - They should select time range for when the results are shown

Slicer: Product - They should select a product and see the No. of leads for the product across channels

Slicer: division - similarly divisions

How can we do this using a chart? Or is there any other better way to represent what they want apart from charts?


Thanks in Advance


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Hello Nagaraju,


Based on the provided information I can assume that you can create a dashboard with one "main" chart and related metrics/charts or simply display the needed information by changing the parameters of the "main" chart or adding more than one series.

I would advise to start with the chart – Number of (successful) leads from channels.  Choose the needed type of chart and set “How to group” parameter of the chart: Select column – Lead – Channel – column Name, so it’ll display the number of leads per channel. After that set a condition of the “successful’ lead based on the given instructions, for example choose “How to filter”- Add condition – Lead – column Lead stage and choose the needed stages in filter, set other parameters if needed.


When you need to display the number of leads with a certain product across channels you may create a separate chart or add one more Series to existing chart – just make sure that column “How to group” for the second Series is the same. For example, adding the second Series to the chart described above may be done as follows:

Object – Product in lead; same chart type.

How to group – Product in lead->Lead->Channel->column Name

How to filter – Product = “Name of the needed product or other parameter”

So this way the second metric will display the number of leads with needed product (if there are any) in corresponding channels.


Timeline can be set with “How to filter parameter”, to make sure you have up-to-data information you may chose the value for time-related parameter as “Previous days <30>” instead of simply “Previous month” or same way based on the needed conditions.


Same way you may set the needed conditions for divisions.


Hope this helps!

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,


Thanks for the reply.

I have tried implementing this dashboard.

But, When we are adding the second series, I have to show the dashboard of No.of leads across channels for a particular product. Our Requirement is that user will filter the product on the dashboard page itself somehow. User will not be able to access dashboard setup to enter conditions in 'How to Filter'.

Hello Nagaraju,


In case user cannot access the dashboard setup and can only view a dashboard with a preconfigured data, it means they cannot influence the dashboard in any way (there is no way they can filter the product apart from other configurations).  For this purpose you can create a separate dashboards for each product, so the user can refer to the needed dashboard.


Best regards,



Hello Anastasiia,


Thanks for the Reply.

I am trying some work arounds to achieve this. Can we make use of Filters that are present on top of section page(Quick Filters). In this case Can the dashboards use the whole data even when users don't have read access to the records?


For Example,A normal User have a metric of 'No. of leads generated per day' for whole organization. That User does not have read access to all the Leads of Organization but only assigned to him. Now when we apply the filters on top, How will 'No. of leads generated per day' work that is present in the section Dashboards.


Hello Nagaraju, 


In this case, only data available for a current user will be displayed for them. In other words, if in section Leads user can only see leads assigned to them and has no access to other records, they will see only a dashboard result for their leads. Even if you add a filter "Owner - another user" - no results will be displayed as current user doesn't have access to other users data. 


Best regards,


@ Nagaraju 

Very valid ask - this is a major limitation in Creatio's Dashboard's and big ask from our clients to get value from their dashboards without having to create a huge number of pie charts/ or other stuff etc

We should be able to set up in a dashboard a base of a couple of tiles that can then be sliced both by either team or sales rep and also by time.

It's something even Pipedrive is capable of doing.

At the moment I have to click on each individual Tile and select the drill down feature, it should be available on the whole dashboard tab.

Hopefully to be integrated with the new Angular code ?


Damien Collot,


Thank you for sharing your feedback and thoughts with us. We will forward your idea to our R&D team and will be awaiting for implementation of this functionality in the upcoming releases. 


Best regards, 




Let us inform you that the Quick Filter component is now available in Freedom UI.


You can configure it in such a way that it allows selecting a time range without needing to modify the filter's setup parameters.


For more details on configuration and usage, please refer to the following article: Set up Quick filter components.


Please let us know if you have other questions.

Thank you for reaching out!

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