Displaying the records in UI - Communication Failure
Hi Team,
We have a scenario where the api returns a response with 33101 records, in server side it does not throw any error , but when we try to load the same in the virtual detail in ui, it throws some communication failure error. We have also distributed the license so that we should be able to add ore than 1000 records
this is the error we get
- aborted: undefined
- request:
- async: true
- binary: false
- headers: {Content-Type: "application/json", X-Requested-With: "XMLHttpRequest"}
- id: 45
- options: {url: "http://ilrnasbsa01:7155/0/rest/StandardPriceService/GetRateTableReport", method: "GET", headers: {…}, params: {…}, success: ƒ, …}
- timedout: true
- __proto__: Object
- requestId: 45
- status: 0
- statusText: "communication failure"
- timedout: true
Kindly guide us on how to resolve the same
Hi Saranya,
Please start with the value for the "DataServiceQueryTimeout" system setting (Redis should be flushed after the value is modified). It is 120000 by default, try specifying 1200000 milliseconds there.
Also try modifying the ConnectionStrings.config file and specify the Connection Timeout parameter there in the <db> block as:
<add name="db" connectionString="Data Source=(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = BPMBUILD) (SERVER = DEDICATED)));User Id=SE_M_SE7164ENU;Password=SE_M_SE7164ENU;Connection Timeout=10500" />
After that try to call for a webservice once again.
Best regards,
Hi Oscar,
We have made changes as mentioned above. But still we are facing the same issue. Kindly help us resolving the same asap as the client is waiting on it
Sri Saranya,
Theoretically, there are lot of places that specify different timeouts: user session timeout, database connection timeout, IIS connection timeout and a lot more. Depends on the service functionality, you'll need to increase some of them.
Please find more information in the article by the link below.
Again, it's only theoretically. In practice, changing the timeout will 100% lead to destroying either the application or the server. It is better to get less data per request rather than increasing the timeout.
Also try modifying the MaxEntityRowCount parameter value in the \Terrasoft.WebApp\Web.config file to 50000 and restart the application in IIS.
These are all recommendations that can help. Otherwise less data should be loaded to the virtual detail in the UI.
Best regards,