SocialMessage / socialChannel

hello Community,

in a process, I'm trying to associate a SocialChannel to a SocialMessage (in an ESNNotification).

The goal is to notify users who subscribed to a socialChannel, when a new message is created.

There is no field related to socialChannel in SocialMessage Entity, so i guess this must use associative table.

I could not figure how it work yet..

Maybe someone can help me figuring things ?

best regards


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Hello, Patrice, 


there is OOB business process that sends a notification to users when a new comment is posted or a user mention added: ESNNotificationProcess.

Maybe it will fit your need?


Best regards,


Daria Zigulya,

Hello Daria,

thanks for the answer,

i will try to do something with that notification mecanism, it may be good enough.

best regards


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