Multiline text in mobile detail

The documentation shows how to create a multiline field in the List view in mobile app, is it possible to do similar in a detail in mobile?  Is there documentation for Terrasoft.sdk.RecordPage like there is for GridPage?

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Glenn Smith,


Yes, it is an expected behavior of the application.


Best regards,


Dear Glenn,


Unfortunately, there is no documentation for Terrasoft.sdk.RecordPage. However, it is possible to create a multiline text field in a mobile application in the same way as it was shown in Terrasoft.sdk.GridPage documentation.


Please find an example of how to add the multiline “Name” field to an edit-page below:


Terrasoft.sdk.RecordPage.addColumn('Contact', {

    name: 'Name',

    position: 0,

    isMultiline: true,

    label: 'CustomContactRecordPage_primaryColumnset_Name_label'



Best regards,


Norton Lingard,


That seems the same as what I tried in a modified version of the mobile detail example, which did not work for me.


Terrasoft.sdk.GridPage.setPrimaryColumn("ContactCareer", "Description");

// Adding the [description] column to the primary column collection.

Terrasoft.sdk.RecordPage.addColumn("ContactCareer", {

        name: "Description",

        isMultiline: true,

        position: 1

    }, "primaryColumnSet");

// Delete the [Contact] previous primary column  from the primary column collection.

Terrasoft.sdk.RecordPage.removeColumn("ContactCareer", "Contact", "primaryColumnSet");

Norton Lingard,

Additional update.  It shows about 45 characters on one line followed by ...   If I click again on that text it shows the full multiline text.  Is that expected behavior?

Glenn Smith,


Please see a multiline text field on Account edit page, it is the “Name” field. This field is configured in the “MobileAccountModuleConfig” module from the “Mobile” package.


Best regards,


Norton Lingard,

attached are 3 screenshots.  first is the list view with Job Experience detail at the bottom.  Next is after clicking Job Experience detail.  Note that it only shows one line of text.  Third is after I click on the single line text, it shows full multi-line text

Norton Lingard,

second image

Norton Lingard,

third image

Glenn Smith,


Yes, it is an expected behavior of the application.


Best regards,



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