I want translate my local environment into https. Where I can take server certificate for IIS?
I read documentation about it on https://academy.terrasoft.ua/sites/default/files/documents/docs/product/bpm'online%20sales/enterprise/7.8.0/BPMonlineHelp/chapter_setup_https/chapter_setup_https_iis.htm#XREF_40320_IIS but I could`n known where find that certificates.
First off all, if you're just accessing the local install via localhost, you can turn on a development certificate in the bindings for the website in IIS
However, if you're accessing it via some name from outside of the server itself, like devserver.mydomain.com, then you can get a free certificate from LetsEncrypt.org. There is a tool you can get from https://CertifyTheWeb.com (that uses LetsEncrypt.org) that you can use to easily add the cert (and keep it renewed) in IIS
You'll need to also install the certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store for the local computer and for the user.
To make it clear, I've recorded a video showing the complete steps here: https://share.customerfx.com/kpuLJxNw - I've also written up the complete steps on my website here https://customerfx.com/article/how-to-run-a-local-development-creatio-i…
Hope this helps.
Hello Nataliia,
Repair IIS or try to reinstall IIS from official website.