Programatically set PeriodFilter


I need to programatically set the dates for the PeriodFilter in the FixedFilters of a section. I am already setting a filter for my date range for the list just fine, however, I cannot seem to figure out how to update the PeriodFilter dates with my new date values. 

Basically, from section code, I need to be able to update these to show my new date values:

I can't seem to see anyway to provide my date values to the period fixed filter or QuickFilterModule.


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It's hard to understand what you're going to do after specifying the filter. Probably you'll need to update the grid. But this way it's easier to update the grid and specify the filter in the same way how it's done in the setDateFiltersCurrentDate method in the ActivitySectionV2. 

Hi @Ryan, Did you find the solution how to set the dates?  i need to do this also .  . . 

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