Transfer data from custom package to user created package

Hi team ,


i need some suggestion on how to transfer all data from custom to user created package.

Example : Lets say i have create few custom sections in custom package . Now i want to transfer this to newly created package without any data loss.


sethuraghav N

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Dear Sethuraghav ,

In order to change the package, please go to system configuration (System designer --> Advanced settings). Find the needed schemas you want to transfer. Open schemas, in the right side panel click on the schema name and choose needed package. Save schema.

Please see the video on the process



The procedure is same for entities ? or is there any procedure or hierarchy i need to follow like first i need to transfer entities followed by module schema and business process . What are the recommended steps ?


Business process are quite independent schemas, you can easily transfer them in the first place, or at the end, it does not matter. The only recommendation is to double check that all lookups and objects, used in the process are "visible" to it. What I mean, is that, for example, you have created a new object, which is in Custom package. However, your other package is higher is the hierarchy and it won't "see" objects from lower package in hierarchy, which is Custom.

Same principal with access to objects and hierarchy goes for objects, which have lookup fields, and as result, dependencies to those objects.

To sum up, the procedure is same for entities, modules and processes. Just keep in mind, that you need to have all needed objects in one package, or in the packages on which your package depends. 

To ensure, that you won't have any difficulties along entities transfer, please indicate the package and publish the object. In case or any errors, you will be notified. The other approach is to change package in entities, save them without publish, afterwards click once "compile all items". In any case be sure to compile the application after transfer done.



Anastasia Botezat,

Thanks for clarifying this , really appreciate it 

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