how create a web form?

Hello, I can not find the menu option "Landing page and web form". Does anyone know how to create a web form and associate it with a bpmn process?

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Dear Edgar,

Since you cannot find the 'Landing page and web form' section in your environment, then most likely you do not have marketing module in it. The section 'Landing page and web form' is only available in marketing applications or bundles. Therefore, make sure you have the marketing module. You can also request free trial CRM bundle to compare it with your environment.  As for the business process, you can associate a landing page in your processes using base process elements as well as the custom script tasks. It depends on your process design and your process purpose. Apart from that, here is a chain of articles that describes how to associate your web form with the bmponline application:…


Best regards,


Hi, how get the marketing module?




Dear Edgar,

Our Support team can update your application and add the required module if you have the required licenses and the updated environment is your production instance. If you are using just a demo or trial environment, we would suggest you to request a new free application that includes Sales,Marketing, Service and Studio modules. To get the full bundle trial CRM, please follow the link below:…

Best regards,


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