
Update Approval Documentation and Approver Dropdown

Although the Approver for an Approval process element must be a Contact, the documentation only refers to employees and users.  Also, the dropdown list for Approver only contains User, Employee's manager and Role, not Contact.  This is very confusing when trying to set up approvals. Please update the documentation and dropdown list to be consistent with the functionality of the application.

[Approver] – specify the approver user. Approver can be a specific employee, manager of a specific employee, or any employee who is a member of a bpm’online organizational or functional role.
If you select “Employee”, specify bpm’online user who is the approver in the [Employee] field.
If you select “Employee's manager”, specify bpm’online user whose direct superior is the approver. Direct superior is specified in the [Manager] profile of the employee's record in the [Employees] section.



Dear Janine,

The approval can only be approved by the user of the system. That is why in Approver dropdown you can choose user(employee) himself, manager of a user(employee) who is also a user and role, which is a group of users. Contacts can not be approvers as contact is not necessarily a user of the system and it's not quite logical to give an option to approve for a non-user as it wouldn't be possible to approve an approval for the Contact who is not a user. That is why Contact is neither in a dropdown list nor in a documentation. 

Best regards, 


Dennis Hudson,

The action only works when a Contact object is used, not a User or Employee.  It may need to be a Contact who is a User, but User doesn't work. Only a Contact can be selected.

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