
Simplify Change access rights System action

Currently the access rights changes are separated into remove and add.  Selecting access rights changes is confusing because the checkboxes do the opposite things in the sections. It would be much simpler and intuitive to have one list of User(s)/Role(s) and use the check boxes to indicate what the state they should be in regarding reading, editing and deleting when the process step is completed. The question displayed could be, "Which access rights to assign?"  This could instead be implemented in a new System action, "Assign access rights," to avoid potentially impacting existing processes that use Change access rights.


Dear Janine,

Well, changing of access rights is easy enough in the application now and quite flexible. Here is an Academy video regarding your question and it contains full description of operations needed to be done to apply right object permissions.Here is also an article regarding setting a business process that will apply access rights even in much more easier way than using object permissions. If you need to change access right dynamicaly - you can create a business process that will change those access rights and also will ask you a question which access rights should be assigned. It can be easily done with the help of "User Dialog" and "Change access rights" elements.

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Yes, I know how to use Change access rights to do so.  However, it is a confusing implementation, not only for me but also for other members of my team building processes. The display of permission is not consistent in the application or with other displays of access permissions.  Typically, there is a single table that displays all permissions and if a checkbox is checked, the value is true and the permission is available, for example, if the checkbox under view is checked then users can view.  However, the Change access rights System action violates this.  In one section of the dialog, the checkbox means that users can view, while in another section, the opposite is true, leading to confusion and increased training time. The permissions in the Advanced Settings are displayed as I requested, but the Change access rights permissions display in a contradictory manner.

Janine White,

Change access rights business process element was designed to make the process of granting and changing access rights more flexible and so users could ignore using "Object permissions" that are difficult to understand a little bit. Okay, I agree with you that this is hard to work with access rights in our application now so I will create an idea for our R&D team so they could modify changing access rights logic and UI and make it more user-friendly. thank you for reporting this isdea to us!

Best regards,


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