"Recommendations for filling out the page" translation

Is it possible to translate this string, for example by setting it up manually from JavaScript?

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Hello Carlos,

Generally speaking, usually to translate some strings "Translation" section is used. You can read more about it in this article: https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/base/7-13/how-identify-translat…

Other way to achieve it is to find the resource string in table  SysLocalizableValue and change it`s value directly in the database.

Also you can create a new replacing client module where change the element`s binding to new string. Example of such binding: http://prntscr.com/mqsibp

Best regards,



Thanks. And what if the recommendation is set up by a formula and looks something like this?

"Number of something: " + [#Read number of something.First item of resulting collection.Number#]


Carlos Zaldivar Batista,

You can simply change the formula and save the business process as new version.

If the string is coming from the database you can change it by sql query or via business process element "modify data".



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