Read image data in business process

Hi all,

       I have built a process which want to read product image to copy to another system. When I read data of Image (SysImage), field "Image" (aka Data in database) always returns null.How can I get that value to copy to another system.


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The task you are trying to achieve can only be completed through development. You can create a script task, which will copy the image from the system using script task element. We have no examples of such implementation, unfortunately. I will forward this request to our business analysts. They will evaluate the possibility of implementation such functionality in future system releases.

Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Hi Angela,

          I have create a script task to get entity Image by Id, but the return's data is null, too.

Toan Mai,

Try to get image in that way Image.FromStream(entity.GetStreamValue("Data"))

It will return you System.Drawing.Bitmap value so you can process it as you wish.

Best regards,


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