Disabling and enabling activity filtering in the offline mode (mobile application)
The Activities section only displays the records that the user has the rights to/is the owner of. How do I disable the the filter that only displays current user activities?
The button for adding other users' activities dissapears in the offline mode. How do I bring it back?
The Activities section only displays records of the current user to avoid synchronizing large amounts of data to the local database (this process takes a considerable amount of time).
Important: We do not recommend disabling this filter.
A manifest schema is used to configure/remove filters. Learn more about configuring filers in the manifest in the following article - https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdkmob/7-12/manifest-ap…
An example of removing the filter:
"Remove": { "SyncOptions": { "ModelDataImportConfig": [ { "Name": "Activity", "QueryFilter": null }, { "Name": "ActivityParticipant", "QueryFilter": null } ] } }
To have the button show up again in the Activities section, you need to extend the Terrasoft.configuration.controller.ActivityGridPage class, namely the initializeOwnerButton method. Example:
initializeOwnerButton: function() { this.callParent(arguments); if (!Terrasoft.ApplicationUtils.isOnlineMode()) { var view = this.getView(); var ownerButton = view.getOwnerButton(); ownerButton.on("tap", this.onOwnerButtonTap, this); } }