Hi there, how are you? Hope you are doing well.
I need some help with this scenario:
Org Roles (City roles):
• Boston
• San Diego
• Miami
Each user in Boston role can Access to the Boston accounts with columns limitations : no view Web, Phone and Numbers of employee [this configuration by columns permissions]
Each account can have multiple owners that manages the account and should be able to view all the information of the account including web, phone and number of employee.
how can permits be combined?
• Account 1
o City: Boston
o Owner: user 1 and user 2
• Account 2
o City: Boston
o Owner: user 3
user 1, user 2 and user 3 has the role Boston , because they need to access all the account for Boston (Account 1 and Account 2) excepts the columns Web, Phone and Numbers of employee.
How can I make user 1 and user 2, in the case of account 1, see it completely as the owners? I tried to assign explicit permission to Account 1 for user 1 and user 2, but same results the user can access the account but the columns web, phone and numbers of employee not appear.
We cannot do by code because this is an example but in a real scenario we need to apply this to multiple entitys with a lot of columns configuration.
We need to resolve this permission settings by security configuration.
Thank you
Kind regards
Dear Uriel,
You would need to create separate Business rules that would make field visible if the user that want's to see it is the owner of the record. Here is the example of such rule: https://prnt.sc/kwdeex. Access rights would not be applicable in this case.
Best regards,