Printable File Name


Is there a way to produce printables and save their file name according to fields in the system?

Eg. Printable name to be saved in a users PC as "ClientCode_OpportunityName_ClientAmount$"


Thank you,

Much appreciated 



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Dear Thanos,

You need to create a replacing schema for PrintReportUtilities and overwrite the current logic. This is the out of the box logic used for naming the file:

    getCaption: function() {

            var baseCaption = this.get("Caption") || this.get("NonLocalizedCaption");

            return baseCaption + ((this.get("ConvertInPDF") || this.isDevExpressReport()) ? ".pdf" : ".docx");


Feel free to develop your own logic overwriting it according to your needs.


With best regards,


Oleh Chudiiovych,

Hello Oleh,

Thank you for your response. Thats perfect, however, how difficult would it be to amend that code and name the file according to those two field "UsrClientCode_UsrOpportunityName"? What would that look like (I dont have much experience with coding)

Thank you

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