
Different way of viewing information "Groups"

We work with another CRM that has the feature of creating groups for each entity that represent different ways of viewing the information allowing the user to configure 

which fields to display and filters (see attach). Is there any of this in BPM? In BPM I see you can define a unique view (Tile View / List View) and different filters.



Dear Uriel,

We have folders and tags in our system to search for the records within the sections. Find required records in a matter of minutes  by using tags or folders. The more detailied description of how it can be configured and how it works you can find on our academy: https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/marketing/7-10/working-folders



Dear Lily,

 I appreciate your answer. I worked with folders and I understand the concept.

What I'm looking for is the ability to handle multiple views in terms of entity fields.


For accounts you have a view that contains the account name, address, and phone number.

Another view that has account data and total unpaid bills and a third view that has total closed opportunities (not showing the field "unpaid bills").

In other CRMs, this concept is called groups.

In BPM I see that the data can be displayed in 2 different ways Tile and List View with different filters but it is not possible to handle other views.

Kind regards

Dear Uriel,

Thank you for the clarification and suggestions. This task is in the scrum product backlog for this year.

Best regards, 


This is a top request for us.  please up the priority.

Hello Uriel,

Feel free to try a new marketplace add-on - Advanced list setup for bpm'online. The add-on helps you to configure list view separately for each folder within a section.

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