Friends, we have updated the Community website. At the moment, the Community Team is still working on the website. But very soon all functions will be restored, and new features will become available.

In your Community Member Profile, you will be able to add skills, indicate Academy Creatio certificates and Creatio products that you use or are interested in.

In a while, Community search function will be enhances by ability to search through Community Members. This will allow you to reach Creatio experts from around the world and ease communication.

Boost your Community Profile, share your cases and experience, promote your expertise in the community of Creatio professionals.

How do you like the updated Community?

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Previously in the community forums, you could see comments you had made on threads (not threads started by you). This was useful since the forums don't always send email notifications and you could go there to get back to threads you participated in previously. It doesn't look like that is available in the new community forums, you can only see a list of threads you started, not threads you have commented on. I hope this is something that will be added back in, it was a useful way to stay engaged in a topic you commented on.

Plus, on this subject, it would be great to get auto-subscribed to receive notifications on a thread whenever you comment. As it is now, I believe you only get the notification if someone clicks "Reply" on your comment. I would want to get the notification if anyone comments on the thread, whether or not it is a direct reply to my comment.


Plus, as an FYI, I frequently get this message when I post a comment (so I guess you probably won't see that I made this comment either): https://share.customerfx.com/NQuZDX0o

Ryan Farley,

Hello Ryan. Thank you for the feedback. I've shared it with the Community Team and we will try to resolve the difficulties that you had encountered.

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