We need to add input mask on a "Phone number" field ( format "(99)999-99-99").
1. Create MultiMaskEdit client module and copy the source code listed bellow (skip this step if schema "MultiMaskEdit" already present in the configuration)
MultiMaskEdit code
define("MultiMaskEdit", ["ext-base", "terrasoft"], function(Ext, Terrasoft) { /** * @class Terrasoft.controls.MultiMaskEdit */ Ext.define("Terrasoft.controls.MultiMaskEdit", { extend: "Terrasoft.TextEdit", alternateClassName: "Terrasoft.MultiMaskEdit", /** * @public * @type {Terrasoft.Align} */ textAlign: Terrasoft.Align.LEFT, /** * @protected * @overridden */ onFocus: function() { this.callParent(arguments); var value = this.getTypedValue(); this.setDomValue(value); }, /** * @protected * @virtual * @return {String} */ getInitValue: function() { var value = this.callParent(arguments); if (!Ext.isEmpty(value) && !Ext.isEmpty(this.masks)) { var formatValue = this.formatValue(value); this.value = formatValue.value; var validationInfo = this.getValidationInfo(formatValue); this.setValidationInfo(validationInfo); } return this.value; }, getValidationInfo: function(value) { var formatValue = (!Ext.isEmpty(value) && Ext.isBoolean(value.isComplete)) ? value : this.formatValue(value); var validationInfo = { isValid: true, invalidMessage: "" }; if (!formatValue.isComplete) { validationInfo = { isValid: false, invalidMessage: this.getIncorrectNumberMessage() }; } return validationInfo; }, getIncorrectNumberMessage: function() { return "Invalid number"; }, /** * @protected * @overridden * @param {Event} e DOM keypress * @param {String} type (optional) * значение Terrasoft.DataValueType.FLOAT */ onKeyPress: function(e) { this.callParent(arguments); if (this.readonly || Ext.isEmpty(this.masks)) { return; } var isSpecialKey = Ext.isGecko && e.isSpecialKey(); if (isSpecialKey) { return; } e.preventDefault(); var keyUnicode = e.getKey(); var key = String.fromCharCode(keyUnicode); if (this.baseCharsRe && !this.baseCharsRe.test(key)) { return; } var domEl = e.getTarget(); var info = this.getInputInfo(domEl); var formatValue = this.formatValueByInsChar(key, info.caretPosition, info.valueBeforeCaret, info.valueSelected, info.valueAfterCaret); if (!formatValue) { return; } domEl.value = formatValue.value; Terrasoft.utils.dom.setCaretPosition(domEl, formatValue.pos); if (!this.validationInfo.isValid && formatValue.isComplete) { var validationInfo = { isValid: true, invalidMessage: "" }; this.setValidationInfo(validationInfo); } }, getInputInfo: function(domEl) { var selectedTextLength = Terrasoft.utils.dom.getSelectedTextLength(domEl); var caretPosition = Terrasoft.utils.dom.getCaretPosition(domEl); var value = domEl.value; var valueBeforeCaret = ""; var valueAfterCaret = ""; var valueSelected = ""; if (Ext.isIE) { valueBeforeCaret = value.slice(0, caretPosition - selectedTextLength); valueAfterCaret = value.slice(caretPosition); caretPosition -= selectedTextLength; } else { valueBeforeCaret = value.slice(0, caretPosition); valueAfterCaret = value.slice(caretPosition + selectedTextLength); } if (selectedTextLength > 0) { valueSelected = value.slice(caretPosition, selectedTextLength + caretPosition); } return { selectedTextLength: selectedTextLength, caretPosition: caretPosition, value: value, valueBeforeCaret: valueBeforeCaret, valueAfterCaret: valueAfterCaret, valueSelected: valueSelected }; }, /** * @protected */ onKeyDown: function(e) { this.callParent(arguments); if (Ext.isEmpty(this.masks)) { return; } var key = e.getKey(); var matches, masks, placeHolders, commonStr; if (key === e.BACKSPACE || key === e.DELETE) { e.preventDefault(); var domEl = e.getTarget(); var info = this.getInputInfo(domEl); if (info.valueBeforeCaret === "" && info.valueAfterCaret === "") { this.setDomValue(""); } else if (info.selectedTextLength > 0) { if (Ext.isEmpty(info.valueAfterCaret)) { this.setDomValue(this.removeEndPlaceHolders(info.valueBeforeCaret)); } else { matches = this.getMatchesByValue(info.valueBeforeCaret); if (matches.matches.length === 0) { return; } masks = this.getPropertyValuesFromArray(matches.matches, "mask"); placeHolders = this.getPropertyValuesFromArray(masks, "placeHolder"); var replaceText = this.getCommonStartString(placeHolders).substr(info.caretPosition, info.selectedTextLength); if (replaceText.length === info.selectedTextLength) { this.setDomValue(info.valueBeforeCaret + replaceText + info.valueAfterCaret); } } } else if (key === e.BACKSPACE && !Ext.isEmpty(info.valueBeforeCaret)) { matches = this.getMatchesByValue(info.valueBeforeCaret); if (matches.matches.length === 0) { return; } masks = this.getPropertyValuesFromArray(matches.matches, "mask"); placeHolders = this.getPropertyValuesFromArray(masks, "placeHolder"); commonStr = this.getCommonStartString(placeHolders); if (commonStr.length >= info.caretPosition) { this.setDomValueAndCaret(info.valueBeforeCaret.slice(0, -1) + commonStr.substr(info.caretPosition - 1, 1) + info.valueAfterCaret, info.caretPosition - 1); } } else if (key === e.DELETE && !Ext.isEmpty(info.valueAfterCaret)) { matches = this.getMatchesByValue(info.valueBeforeCaret); if (matches.matches.length === 0) { return; } masks = this.getPropertyValuesFromArray(matches.matches, "mask"); placeHolders = this.getPropertyValuesFromArray(masks, "placeHolder"); commonStr = this.getCommonStartString(placeHolders); if (commonStr.length > info.caretPosition) { this.setDomValueAndCaret(info.valueBeforeCaret + commonStr.substr(info.caretPosition, 1) + info.valueAfterCaret.slice(1), info.caretPosition + 1); } } } }, maskConfig: { definitions: { //numbers "9": { re: "[0-9]" }, //cyryllic "к": { re: "[а-яА-ЯёЁ]" }, //латинские "l": { re: "[a-zA-Z]" }, //any letter "c": { re: "[а-яА-ЯёЁa-zA-Z]" }, //any letter or number "#": { re: "[а-яА-ЯёЁA-Za-z0-9]" } }, placeHolderChar: "_" }, mask: [], /** * @protected * @overridden */ init: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.reSpecChars = [ "\\", "(", ")", "+" ]; this.addEvents( "paste"); this.on("paste", this.onPaste, this); this.setMasks(this.mask); }, /** * @protected * */ setMasks: function(value) { this.masks = []; if (Ext.isEmpty(value)) { value = { formats: [] }; } Terrasoft.each(value.formats, function(format, i) { this.masks[i] = this.getMaskByFormat(format); }, this); this.changeValue(this.value); }, /** * {@link Terrasoft.Bindable}. * @overridden */ getBindConfig: function() { var bindConfig = this.callParent(arguments); var multiMaskEditBindConfig = { mask: { changeMethod: "setMasks" } }; Ext.apply(bindConfig, multiMaskEditBindConfig); return bindConfig; }, getMaskByFormat: function(format) { var mask = {}; var matches = []; var placeHolderChar; var placeHolder = ""; var def; var allRe = ""; if (format) { Terrasoft.each(format.split(""), function(c) { def = this.maskConfig.definitions[c]; if (def) { allRe +=; placeHolderChar = def.placeHolderChar || this.maskConfig.placeHolderChar || "_"; matches.push({ re: new RegExp(, placeHolderChar: placeHolderChar }); placeHolder += placeHolderChar; } else { placeHolder += c; matches.push(c); if (this.reSpecChars.indexOf(c) > 0) { allRe += "\\" + c; } else { allRe += c; } } }, this); mask.placeHolder = placeHolder; mask.matches = matches; if (allRe !== "") { = {}; = new RegExp("^" + allRe + "$"); } } return mask; }, /** * @param value */ removeEndPlaceHolders: function(value) { if (!Ext.isEmpty(value)) { var pos; for (var i = (value.length - 1); i >= 0; i--) { if (value[i] !== this.maskConfig.placeHolderChar) { break; } pos = i; } if (pos === 0) { value = ""; } else if (pos) { value = value.slice(0, pos); } } return value; }, /** * @param mask * @param c * @param pos * @param textBefore * @param textReplaced * @param textAfter * @param allowAutoFill * @returns {*} */ maskValidateByInsChar: function(mask, c, pos, textBefore, textReplaced, textAfter, allowAutoFill) { var replacedLength = textReplaced.length; if (replacedLength > 0) { textAfter = mask.placeHolder.slice(pos, pos + textReplaced.length) + textAfter; } var value = textBefore + textAfter; var maskValidate; var match; if (!Ext.isEmpty(textAfter)) { match = mask.matches[pos]; if (match && ! && mask.matches[pos] === c) { return { value: value, pos: pos, result: this.maskValidateValue(mask, value) }; } } value = textBefore + c + textAfter; match = mask.matches[pos]; if (match) { if ( { if (textAfter[0] === mask.placeHolder.substr(pos, 1)) { value = textBefore + c + textAfter.substring(1); maskValidate = this.maskValidateValue(mask, value); if (maskValidate.isValid) { return { value: value, pos: pos, result: maskValidate }; } } } } maskValidate = this.maskValidateValue(mask, value); if (maskValidate.isValid) { return { value: value, pos: pos, result: maskValidate }; } if (match && ! && allowAutoFill && pos < mask.placeHolder.length) { var result = this.maskValidateByInsChar(mask, c, pos + 1, textBefore + match, textReplaced, textAfter.substring(1), allowAutoFill); if (result) { return result; } return this.maskValidateByInsChar(mask, c, pos + 1, textBefore + match, textReplaced, textAfter.substring(2), allowAutoFill); } //} }, /** * @param c * @param pos * @param textBefore * @param textAfter * @param allowAutoFill * @returns {*} */ formatValueByInsChar: function(c, pos, textBefore, textReplaced, textAfter, allowAutoFill) { var maskValidation; var bestResults = []; Terrasoft.each(this.masks, function(item) { maskValidation = this.maskValidateByInsChar(item, c, pos, textBefore, textReplaced, textAfter, allowAutoFill); if (maskValidation) { maskValidation.mask = item; if (bestResults.length === 0) { bestResults.push(maskValidation); } else if (maskValidation.pos < bestResults[0].pos) { bestResults = [maskValidation]; } } }, this); if (bestResults.length > 0) { maskValidation = bestResults[0]; var formatValue = this.formatValue(maskValidation.value); formatValue.insPos = maskValidation.pos; return formatValue; } }, /** * @param mask * @param value * @returns {*} */ maskValidateValue: function(mask, value) { var match; var matchPos = 0; if ( { return { matchPos: value.length, inputPos: value.length, isValid: true, isComplete: true }; } var result = { matchPos: 0, inputPos: 0, isValid: true, isComplete: false }; value = this.removeEndPlaceHolders(value); if (Ext.isEmpty(value)) { return result; } else { Terrasoft.each(value.split(""), function(c, i) { match = mask.matches[i]; if (!match) { result = { isValid: false, isComplete: false }; return false; } else if ( { if (! { if (match.placeHolderChar === c) { if (!result.inputPos) { result.inputPos = i; } } else { result = { isValid: false, isComplete: false }; return false; } } } else if (c !== match) { result = { isValid: false, isComplete: false }; return false; } matchPos = i; }, this); result.matchPos = matchPos; if (!result.inputPos) { if (result.isValid) { result.inputPos = result.matchPos + 1; } else { result.inputPos = value.length; } } } return result; }, /** * @param value * @returns {{matches: Array, matchPos: number, inputPos: number}} */ getMatchesByValue: function(value) { var matches = []; var minPositions = []; var matchPos = 0; var inputPos = 0; var maskValidation; var isComplete = false; Terrasoft.each(this.masks, function(mask) { maskValidation = this.maskValidateValue(mask, value); if (maskValidation.isValid) { var maskMinPos = mask.matches.length; Terrasoft.each(mask.matches, function(match, pos) { if (typeof match === "object" && maskMinPos > pos) { maskMinPos = pos; } }); minPositions.push(maskMinPos); if (maskValidation.isComplete) { isComplete = true; } matches.push({ mask: mask, validation: maskValidation }); if (matchPos < maskValidation.matchPos) { matchPos = maskValidation.matchPos; } if (inputPos < maskValidation.inputPos) { inputPos = maskValidation.inputPos; } } }, this); var minPos = Math.min.apply(0, minPositions); return { matches: matches, matchPos: matchPos, inputPos: inputPos, minPos: minPos, isComplete: isComplete }; }, /** * @param values * @returns {*} */ getCommonStartString: function(values) { var valuesCount = values.length; if (valuesCount === 0) { return ""; } else if (valuesCount === 1) { return values[0]; } var commonStr = ""; var minLen = values[0].length; Terrasoft.each(values, function(value) { minLen = Math.min(minLen, value.length); }); var isMatch; var c; for (var i = 0; i < minLen; i++) { isMatch = true; for (var j = 1; j < valuesCount; j++) { isMatch = values[j][i] === values[j - 1][i]; if (!isMatch) { break; } c = values[j][i]; } if (isMatch) { commonStr += c; } else { return commonStr; } } return commonStr; }, /** * @param a * @param name * @returns {Array} */ getPropertyValuesFromArray: function(a, name) { var result = []; Terrasoft.each(a, function(e) { result.push(e[name]); }, this); return result; }, /** * @overridden * @protected */ initDomEvents: function() { this.callParent(arguments); var el = this.getEl(); el.on({ "paste": { fn: this.onPaste, scope: this } }); }, onBeforePasteFormatValue: Ext.emptyFn, onPaste: function(e) { if (Ext.isEmpty(this.masks)) { return; } var getSplitText = function(v, p) { return { pos: p, before: v.substr(0, p), after: v.substr(p) }; }; e.preventDefault(); if (e.browserEvent.clipboardData && e.browserEvent.clipboardData.getData) { if (/text\/plain/.test(e.browserEvent.clipboardData.types)) { var clipBoardValue = e.browserEvent.clipboardData.getData("text/plain"); clipBoardValue = this.onBeforePasteFormatValue(clipBoardValue) || clipBoardValue; if (Ext.isEmpty(clipBoardValue)) { return; } var domEl = e.getTarget(); var info = this.getInputInfo(domEl); var pos = info.caretPosition; var splitText = { before: info.valueBeforeCaret, after: info.valueAfterCaret }; var newValue = splitText.before + splitText.after; Terrasoft.each(clipBoardValue.split(""), function(c) { var formatValue = this.formatValueByInsChar(c, pos, splitText.before, "", splitText.after, true); if (formatValue) { newValue = formatValue.value; pos = formatValue.insPos + 1; splitText = getSplitText(newValue, pos); } }, this); domEl.value = newValue; } } return; }, /** * @param value * @returns {*} */ formatValue: function(value) { var newValue = value; var placeHolders; if (Ext.isEmpty(value)) { placeHolders = this.getPropertyValuesFromArray(this.masks, "placeHolder"); newValue = this.getCommonStartString(placeHolders); if (!Ext.isEmpty(newValue)) { return this.formatValue(newValue); } return { pos: 0, value: "", isComplete: false }; } var matches = this.getMatchesByValue(value); if (matches.matches.length === 0) { if (matches.matchPos > 0) { newValue = value.substr(0, matches.matchPos + 1); } else { return { pos: 0, value: value, isComplete: false }; } return this.formatValue(newValue); } var masks = this.getPropertyValuesFromArray(matches.matches, "mask"); placeHolders = this.getPropertyValuesFromArray(masks, "placeHolder"); var afterText = this.getCommonStartString(placeHolders).substr(matches.matchPos + 1); newValue = value.substr(0, matches.matchPos + 1) + afterText; matches = this.getMatchesByValue(newValue); return { pos: matches.inputPos, min: matches.minPos, value: newValue, isComplete: matches.isComplete }; }, /** * @param value * @param caretPosition */ setDomValueAndCaret: function(value, caretPosition) { var formatValue = this.formatValue(value); if (!this.validationInfo.isValid && formatValue.isComplete) { var validationInfo = { isValid: true, invalidMessage: "" }; this.setValidationInfo(validationInfo); } var el = this.getEl(); if (el) { el.dom.value = formatValue.value; caretPosition = caretPosition > formatValue.min ? caretPosition : formatValue.min; Terrasoft.utils.dom.setCaretPosition(el.dom, caretPosition); } }, /** * @param {String} value * @protected * @virtual */ setDomValue: function(value) { this.setDomValueAndCaret(value); }, /** * @protected * @param {String} value * @return {Boolean} */ changeValue: function(value) { if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.masks)) { var formatValue = this.formatValue(value); if (formatValue.value === this.formatValue(null).value) { value = null; formatValue.isComplete = true; var el = this.getEl(); if (el) { el.dom.value = ""; } } var validationInfo = this.getValidationInfo(formatValue); this.setValidationInfo(validationInfo); } return this.callParent(arguments); } }); });
2. In the target schema add dependency to "MultiMaskEdit" schema and specify input mask format and className for the "Phone" filed in the controlConfig.
AccountMiniPage code
define("AccountMiniPage", ["MultiMaskEdit"], function() { return { entitySchemaName: "Account", diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[ { "operation": "merge", "name": "Phone", "values": { "controlConfig": { "className": "Terrasoft.controls.MultiMaskEdit", "mask": { "formats": ["(99)999-99-99"] } } } } ]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ }; });
Dear all, anyone knows where, I mean, the menus I must access to find the place where this code must be inserted?
Andre VItal,
You have to do it in the configuration. You can read more in the article below, there is another example of the implementation:…
Best regards,
Matt Watts,
I tried creating a module where the code for
MultiMaskEdit is added then on my section page I have added
define("UsrInterview1Page", [ "MultiMaskEdit", "css!UsrInterviewcss1"], function() {
//rest of the code
But the page seems to be unresponsive, did I miss out something?
Please help me in resolving this issue.
First of all, please make sure that the MultiMaskEdit is a module, not a source code, most likely it is the cause of your issue. Secondly, please make sure that you have validated your code and eliminated all mistakes caused by the incorrect html tags, for example > should be changed to >, < to < and & to simply &.
Lastly, please make sure that you have added your code to the correct target schema, i.e. if you need it for the account mini page then you should add the code from the second part of the article to the AccountMiniPage schema.
If you have done everything correctly you should be able to see the validation mask on the desired page.
Best regards,
Dear Thibaut,
Please try validating the code as descrbed by Matt previously and also try generating source code and compiling of the instance.
Best regards,
Dear Oscar,
Thank you for your reply.
I validated the code, generate source + compiling instance and the issue persist.
I get the error "Schema does not contain marker comments: 'SCHEMA_DETAILS'" in browser console when I try to load the designer page.
Any idea?
Thank you!
Hi all,
I follow the guide and add to the contact page:
But when I open contact, it's only blank.
What I do wrong?
Phuong Nguyen
Phuong Akira,
The Mobile phone column in the diff should be MobilePhone (without a space):
"operation": "merge",
"name": "MobilePhone",
"values": {
"controlConfig": {
"className": "Terrasoft.controls.MultiMaskEdit",
"mask": {
"formats": ["(99)999-99-99"]
Aside from that, everything would work. I've replicated it on my demo instance and it worked well.
Also please make sure to replace > to >, < to < and & to simply &. in MultiMaskEdit module.
Anyonw knows if there is posible change the format depends of another field? Like depends of the country change the format.
Federico Buffa,
You have an opportunity to specify all formats which you use in formats array in the diff and after the user start typing maskhelper select the proper format from those which you populate
define("AccountPageV2", ["GlbMultiMaskEdit"], function() {
return {
entitySchemaName: "Account",
attributes: {},
methods: {
onEntityInitialized: function(){
diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
"operation": "merge",
"name": "AccountPhone",
"values": {
"controlConfig": {
"className": "Terrasoft.controls.GlbMultiMaskEdit",
"mask": {
"formats": ["+38(99)999-99-99", "+546(999)-9999-9", "+1(999)-9-999-9", "(999)-0-00-999"]
Best regards,