There are records of other activity types displayed on the "Email" 'detail.
This might occur because the functionality of filtering by type is coded in the section instead of the detail. Not all sections have the filtering functionality coded. To solve the issue, replace EmailDetailV2 and insert the following code into the replacing page:
define("EmailDetailV2", ["terrasoft", "ProcessModuleUtilities", "ConfigurationConstants"], function(Terrasoft, ProcessModuleUtilities, ConfigurationConstants) { return { /** * Имя схемы объекта * @type {String} */ entitySchemaName: "Activity", messages: {}, attributes: {}, methods: { getFilters: function() { var parentfilters = this.callParent(arguments); parentfilters.add( "EmailFilter", this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter( this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "Type", ConfigurationConstants.Activity.Type.Email ) ); return parentfilters; } }, diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ }; });