Hi everyone,

When generating a printable report instead of generating reports for all records related to a particular contact, I want to generate reports for selected records only. How can I do this?

Thanks in advance.

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Hello Abhishek,

If you want to generate a report for selected records only, you should use multi select option:


Hello Bogdan,

We have added a  detail named "Display Images," as shown in the attached image. We tried to use the multi-select option, but it is still generating for all records instead of only the selected record.



Unfortunately, there is no such possibility for now.


Please note that our R&D team is aware of this expected Printables behavior and the Idea from our customers that the Printables should Print not only Sections but Details as well.


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Is it possible to use a Microsoft Office word macro in the template of a MS-word printable?

The matter is: A word template is to be filled with data from Creatio. In the exported document, additionally, at another position in the document, a function is to be provided via a word macro.

The word macro can be added to the template. But when the report is exported, the Word macro is missing.

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We have discussed your case with the responsible R&D team. Unfortunately, as for now, there is no possibility to implement your business task in our application.

We want to assure you that we have created a request for our development team to implement this functionality in future versions of our application. We understand the importance of providing our clients with the best possible experience and will work hard to implement the changes you have suggested.

Thank you for this suggestion, this helps to make our product better!


Best regards,


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Hi community!

have some questions about printables.

I have specified conditions for filtering record for printable. Until I select any record printable is inactive (unable to select it from PRINT list). Does it work only that way? Is it possible to make it active without selecting records as I have filtering conditions.

One more question. When I select several records and choose my printable I receive as many files as records selected. Is it possible to have only one file instead of several?

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The system cannot recognize what has to be printed. Thus, it is necessary to click on the record in the section, so that it would be selected in the section list and the report button will become active.


As for one printable instead of multiple ones, unfortunately, it is not possible to implement your business task using custom methods of printables at the moment.

Word printables are uploaded this way: 1 document per 1 section entry.

Our development team already has a registered issue with your question. We have registered your idea of ​​unloading Word Printables on several section records and it may be implemented in future releases.


Best regards,

Yuliya Gritsenko

Yuliya Gritsenko,


Maybe it is possible to implement my business task with fast reporting?




FastReport functionality is not supported starting from version 8.0.3.

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Hello Creatio community,

We're trying to hide/show items in print section button based on specific conditions. The filter works fine in section page and edit page but it doesn't work when we try to open the edit page from the section page.

When we try to open the edit page from the section list the filter that we have made in both section and page doesn't apply and all the items in print button are displayed. Examples below.


1. Print button in section list

2. Print button when we open edit page (from reload)

3. Print button when edit page is open from application section list


Application page:

        preparePrintFormsMenuCollection: function (printForms) {
                printForms.eachKey(function (key, item) {
                    if(key =="ebd9e198-9d05-21b7-6d30-4f79eb6cf2ea")
                        item.set("Visible", true);
                        item.set("Visible", false);
                }, this);

Application section:

            isSectionPrintFormEnabled: function(reportId) {
                if (!this.isAnySelected()) {
                    return false;
                if (this.isSingleSelected() && !this.get("SelectAllMode")) {
                    var applicationId = this.$ActiveRow;
                    if(reportId == "ebd9e198-9d05-21b7-6d30-4f79eb6cf2ea"){
                        return true;
                    return false;
                } else {
                    const reportCollection = this.get(this.moduleSectionPrintFormsCollectionName);
                    const report = reportCollection.get(reportId);
                    return (report && report.get("PrintFormType") !== Terrasoft.ConfigurationEnums.ReportType.Word) || !this.get("SelectAllMode");

The function "preparePrintFormsMenuCollection" is called every time the application page is opened. When the application page is opened from the section list (combined mode) the print button is not reloaded and keeps the older values.

How can we reload the items of the print button when the edit page is opened from section page?



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Hello Lirzae,

You could try the following. When a row is selected in the section, retrieve the collections of printables for the section, then look through and set the Visible property based on the values of the selected row. Something like this: 

rowSelected: function(primaryColumnValue) {
    // get data for selected row
    var row = this.getGridData().get(primaryColumnValue)
    // get printables collection
    var reportCollection = this.get(this.moduleSectionPrintFormsCollectionName);
    Terrasoft.each(reportCollection, function(report) {
            if (row.get("UsrSomeField") == "Some Value" && report.get("Id") == "TheReportId") {
                report.set("Visible", false);
            else {
                report.set("Visible", true);
    }, this);

Note, I've not tried that before so not sure if it will work, but that is what I would attempt first. Also, the fields available in the "row" variable would depend on the column layout of the section. If you need to ensure a value is available, you'll want to add that to the section ESQ like this: 

initQueryColumns: function(esq) {
    if (!esq.columns.contains("UsrSomeField")) {


Ryan Farley,


I tried using "rowselected" method but this only works in section list page. When I try to open the edit page from section list the print button shows all the items.

The other method that I used "preparePrintFormsMenuCollection" is called when the edit page is opened but doesn't reload the print button items. 


Is there any other method that can reload print button items when the edit page is opened from the section list?

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Hello Everyone,

I have a requirement to send a printable report in email. i have used "Printable attachments for Creatio | Creatio Marketplace " this Marketplace application of attaching printable reports but this is not work can anyone advice why?

Also, how to send this attached Printable in Email.

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Hello smit,

Feel free to email info@customerfx.com with the details of what is not working with the Printable Attachments for Creatio add-on? (I'm the author of that add-on). 

As far as attaching a printable to an email, that add-on does allow you to do that. You could also create a process that uses the Process File element to create the printable file, then a Send Email element to attach the file to an email. 


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Hello community,


I have an opportunity section with a lookup field called OpportunityType. I also have a lookup field called Printable in the same section, which the user will use to tag the opportunity record to a particular printable. 


The use case here is that since we have many printables, we would like to filter the printable based on OpportunityType. I am assuming we need to replace the Printable object, add a new lookup column referencing the OpportunityType Lookup. We want this field OpportunityType to be visible on the UI where Printables are configured (Please see below image).


Please advise.

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Hello Shivani,

I have an article here that shows how to show or hide printables based on a value on the page. Hopefully this helps you get started: 



Hi Ryan,


I am looking for something different. I want to override the printable page schema (The page where we add new printable records) to show a new field as seen in the image I posted earlier.

Do you have any approach pls?



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I have a working Printable which prints my quotes. However, the formatting of the numbers is not in thousand separators, so I therefore updated the Word mergefield values, but when outputting from Creatio, I get no merge values populated.This is what I have done so far:

  1. Created a new version of the Word doc template
  2. Toggled the field codes to display the full merge values
  3. Changed a field which has a large multi thousand number from the following (note: how I have removed \*MERGEFORMAT):
    1. {MERGEFIELD "Opportunity product.Total, amount" \*MERGEFORMAT }

    2. {MERGEFIELD "Opportunity product.Total, amount" \# #,##0.00 }
  4. Uploaded to replace the working Printable
  5. Generated the quote

In the resulting word doc, the values for this field are missing.

I have also tried the following variations, with none working:

{MERGEFIELD "Opportunity product.Total, amount" \# "#,##0.00" }

{MERGEFIELD Opportunity product.Total, amount \# #,##0.00 }


Either I am missing something obvious or Creatio does not like this format override.


Any help is greatly appreciated.



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Hi, Mark


You can use a macro for these fields in your printable. For example: ColumnName[#NumberDigit|,#] 

More information at the link: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/application_components/repor…


Unfortunately, there are no basic application tools to add commas between the digits. It can only be done with the help of the development process. In this community thread, you can find the example of such implementation https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-set-comma-separator-money-f….


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I have installed the BPM'online word plugin and the tab appears in word application, but on connect the printable appears empty and the printable items don't appear, also any fake data in username and pwd are accepted 

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Hello Ali, 


Please contact us at support@creatio.com with a detailed description of the issue, as we'll need more details and what is more important access to your instance where the issue occurs in order to proceed with investigation and provide you with a solution. 


We'll be waiting for your email. 

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


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I have a printable which is no longer needed. What option do I have to prevent displaying this printable in the object list of Print button? How can this printable be disabled?

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Best reply

Hello Gergana!


To disable mentioned function you should go to the “System setup” block and click “Report setup.

There you can find a suitable type of report and customize its display on the page as displayed on the screenshot:



Details in the article: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/no_code_customization/print_ready…



Hello Gergana!


To disable mentioned function you should go to the “System setup” block and click “Report setup.

There you can find a suitable type of report and customize its display on the page as displayed on the screenshot:



Details in the article: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/no_code_customization/print_ready…



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i created a business process that uses the addOn “Save printable' process element”.

After selecting a contact person and the printable, the word-report should be generated and automatically attached to the order.

On my local instance everything is working fine and the printable is generated and attached to the order.

But after transferring the package to another instance i get this error:

An error occurred while applying the value of the parameter "PrintableId" of the business process element:

    Unable to compute expression "[#[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{a9befd22-f3f3-40a2-919e-46e06dc16789}].[Parameter:{cf7d4c69-06f2-47d6-b0d3-209ddb1cf073}]#]", error: Formula value error: Expression expected (at index 0).


I checked all the settings and it seems there is no difference between my local and the target instance.

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Hi Stefan!

We reviewed this add-on and tested your case.

However, we couldn't get the same errors. When I launch the process on another site, I don't have any problems.

I would like to suggest you to double-check the business process parameters and re-add the mentioned parameter anew on the problem site.

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